quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010

Why no one ever thought about...

That's it. That's how it starts. How many times did you ask this question? Why no one ever thought about (...) ? Yeah. That's something that happens quite often to me as well. I must say this  sensation grew a lot since I left the university. I am all the time looking for business opportunities, good ideas, bad ideas... all the time. Few days ago I was in the downtown of São Paulo to buy some stuff and I saw a very well organized place (with around 20 tables) selling snacks for 1 real. It's hard to explain the concept of a snack (salgado) here in Brazil... but for you to comprehend it better, think about one slice of Pizza. That could be one snack here in Brazil.

So, for around 60 cents of a dollar, you could have one of them. And with 2-4 (more likely to be 4 in my case) you would be satisfied (eating crappy food... it's true, but still, it's cheap as well! :D). That's a very nice business to open in a city like São Paulo - especially in downtown. It was crowded, obviously.

This kind of ideas always fascinated me. So, I started to look for a job here in Brazil in the beginning of the year. I was sure that I would find a website that could aggregate in one single place all the information about those - trainee programs. I didn't find. So... "Why no one ever though about... creating a website with all the information?"

I decided I could be this guy. But after some time doing that... I realized a big part of the Why! hehe... The truth is that... When you're handling a business with little money, few people (2 - me and my partner Ashley) and some restrictions of time... it gets really complicated.

So, something I've learned is: people don't do what they think because it can be or seem to be really complicated.

However, I also learned something else and something very important as well. Yesterday was the third day of our website online. We had already more than 1500 visits and more than 10.000 pageviews. It means that, sometimes, you may be right when you think that someone should do something about it. I mean that, mainly because I also hear all the time "If it doesn't exist there must be a reason." Well, I figured out that the reason is that, all the other people thought it was just too complicated to them.

I am very happy with the results so far and I am also looking forward to keep investing in my ideas for businesses online. I am back on the excitment that I always had with technology and business.

So, if you have thougth about some idea that seems to be very good but you don't feel comfortable going ahead... well... talk to me! :D

ps.: the website is www.mytrainee.com - thanks anonymous for the tip! :D